Tuberculosis is not a past disease, it has high burden in present. India is know as TB Capital of the world as most of the cases of Tuberculosis remain undiagnosed, and lack of data helps the bacteria in spreading more. Though due to constant efforts of WHO and governments, cases have been reduced.
The new target set in the End TB strategy includes a 90 percent reduction in TB deaths and an 80 percent reduction in TB incidents by 2030, compared to 2015.
Why so much attention is given?
TB remains the ninth leading cause of death from single infectious agent. That ranks higher than HIV /AIDS.
Drug resistance in TB remains a continuous threat where in last years new cases of drug resistance are diagnosed.
Most cases of TB can be prevented by early diagnosis which is not possible in countries like India.
HupB Protein- The Hope?
What is HupB Protein
HupB Protein was discovered in late 1990s by Prof. H. Krishna Prassad. He was looking at specific TB Bacteria antigens that induced immune response in humans. He found the protein was associated with the DNA of the Bacteria (tubercle and Lung Disease Journal)
HupB is an essential protein of TB bacteria as it is also found on the surface of the bacteria.
The Importance
HupB is an essential protein of TB bacteria and so an attractive drug target.
TB bacteria is made of HubB Protein and bacteria uses proteins to enter into host (human or animals_ body. HupB protein helps bacteria to enter into host alone and in percentage it alone stands 40- 55 percent.
Against TB bacteria
By using single stranded DNA molecule or DNA aptamer , Reasearchers have been able to achieve 40 - 55 percent reduction in the bacteria's ability to enter into human cells. Due to this protein (HupB) only bacterial survives extreme stress.
The Aptamer's entry into TB bacteria cell will certainly impact upon the DNA binding function of HupB. However, Bacteria has three membrane which is difficult to reach.
The drug resistance and difficulty to come up with safe and efficacious drugs the aptamer approach will work.
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