Tobacco Consumption - harming lives -


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Tuesday 25 September 2018

Tobacco Consumption - harming lives

What are tobacco products?
Tobacco products are made entirely or partly of leaf tobacco as raw material, which are intended to
be smoked, sucked, chewed or snuffed. All contain the highly addictive psychoactive ingredient, nicotine.
Tobacco use is one of the main risk factors for several chronic diseases, including cancer, lung disease, and cardiovascular disease. Despite this, it is common throughout the world.

What are the effects of consuming tobacco (nicotine) on the brain?
When a person consumes tobacco or inhale or smoke, it fills the lungs within 10 seconds. The nicotine from the cigarette begins to cause a series of reactions. It increases the levels of chemical called dopamine and epinephrine.
Dopamine – regulates movements, motivation, emotions and feelings of pleasure.
When the body releases epinephrine, or adrenaline in high concentration, the blood pressure, heart and breathing rate increase. This makes the person feel energized and alert. This is what creates the “rush” or a nicotine buzz.

According to the centre for disease control,  31% of all smokers are adults with a mental illness.
Mental illness includes depressive disorders, bipolar disorders, and more psychotic disorders. Research into smoking and stress has shown that instead of helping people to relax, smoking increase anxiety and tension. Depression rate is about twice higher among adults because consuming tobacco also causes schizophrenia – chronic mental illness characterized by abnormal perception, thinking, behavior and emotion, often marked by delusions. People with schizophrenia tend to smoke more heavily.

How many people consume nicotine?
About 80% of the world’s consumers live in low – middle income countries and 226 million of them are considered poor. Every minute, smokers get through nearly 11 million cigarettes and 10 die from the habit, in an industry that generates billions of dollars.
There are around one billion smokers in the world, about a seventh of the global population, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and other estimates.

China has the highest number from its population of 1.3 billion, about 315 million are smokers and they consume more than a third of the world’s cigarettes, the WHO said in a report last year. Indonesia has the highest proportion of smokers at 76% of men aged over 15 years.
The cost of consuming tobacco is high for humans in longer term

Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death. Active or passive smoking kills more than seven million people every year, according to the WHO.  The tobacco consumption has to be blamed for the death of an average one person every six seconds. 
Smoking takes almost 6% of world spending on healthcare as well as nearly 2% of global GDP, according to a 2017 study in the Scientific Journal Tobacco Control.

India’s survey by Global Adult Tobacco Survey-2 (GATS 2)
According to global Adult Tobacco Surve-2 (GATS -2) 2016-2017, prevalence of tobacco use has reduced by 27% in Delhi as compared to 17% for the rest of India's average. Similarly, current tobacco smokers in Delhi have reduced by 35% as compared to 23% for the rest of India average. The current gutkha users have also significantly reduced by 63% in Delhi as compared to rest of India. Delhi has performed much better than rest of India average figure.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has notified new sets of specified health warning for all tobacco products.
Guidelines- Any person engaged directly or indirectly in the production, supply, import, or distribution of cigarettes or any tobacco products shall ensure that all tobacco products packages shall have specified health warning exactly as prescribes.

1.      Violation of the provision is a punishable offence with imprisonment or fine as prescribed in section 20 of The Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products (prohibition of advertisement and regulations of trade and commerce production supply, and distribution) Act, 2003.

2.      The Supreme Court had said tobacco products would continue to carry pictorial warning covering 85% of the packing space.  

WHO issues new guidance on tobacco product regulations towards   maximum protection of public health-
In 2018, Cape Town: The World Health Organization (WHO) has launched new guidance on the role tobacco product regulation. It can play to reduce tobacco demand, save lives and raise revenues for health services, and to treat tobacco related disease in context of comprehensive tobacco to control.

The new guide, “Tobacco product regulation: building laboratory testing capacity”, and a collection of country approaches to regulation of menthol, presented in the publication titled “Case studies for regulatory approaches to tobacco product – menthol in tobacco products” have been launched at the 2018 World Conference on Tobacco or Health in South Africa.

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