“Green Mass Movement” To Combat Air Pollution. - hrdubai.com



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Saturday 15 September 2018

“Green Mass Movement” To Combat Air Pollution.

Introduction to the problem
Nine out of 10 people around the world breathe polluted air, according to a report released by the World Health Organization.
About 7 million people die each year due air pollution, the report said.  As air pollution levels remain dangerously high in many parts of the world more than 90% of pollution-related deaths occur in low-middle -income countries, mainly in Asia and Africa.

Air pollution threatens the poorest and most marginalized people around the world. Breathing polluted air can lead to heart disease, a stroke and lung cancer.

How air pollution can be measured?

Air pollution is measured by how many grains of “particulate matter” (PM) are in a cubic meter (the area of air where the particulate matter is high). PM is broken down into two groups: PM10 AND PM2.5, which are measurement of the particle in micrometres.

 These are small particles floating in the air. And come from lot of sources, such as dust blown up from the wind, coal particle from power plant, home heating, car exhaust, and pollen from plants.

These very small particles can be very dangerous  because then can  penetrate deep into human lungs, and some can even enter  in to bloodstream.
Strategy the world has taken to combat air pollution-

The world bank – The world bank group works with developing countries and development partners to reduce pollution, implement proper waste management, improve water and air quality, and promote clean development for healthier lives and better economic opportunities.
 World Bank commitments to pollution management and environmental health has more than US 8.3 billion. World bank established a multi-donor trust fund for pollution Management and Environment Health to promote more systematic and effective responses to deadly and costly air pollution in selected low-income countries including – china, Egypt, India, Nigeria, south Africa and Vietnam.

The bank aids in several areas that covers:

1-      Improving indoor/outdoor air quality.

2-     Improving water quality, both freshwater and in oceans.

3-     Waste management and remediation of contaminated sites.

4-     Promoting environmental sustainability through cleaner production and pollution prevention.

           India’s pollution severity

New Delhi remains the most polluted city in the world. Air pollution from cooking with polluting fuels are the major causes of air pollution.

According to a study the road dust from paved and  unpaved roads contributed the largest share to air pollution, followed by residential sources, transport and vehicular pollution, industrial source and power. “Particulate Pollution” is a major problem for Delhi specially during winter and fire events festivals.

 What measures India has taken to prevent Air pollution?

Indian government has taken several initiatives including the notification about National Ambient Air Quality Standards, formulation of Environmental Regulations, setting up monitoring networks.
 Several flagship programmes are active to curb air pollution. Moreover, government has decided to skip one stage BS V and migrated BHARAT STAGE BS VI from 2020 in entire nation but for delhi the BS VI norm will be implemented from 2018 itself. BS VI grade fuel will help (both petrol and diesel) to fight the growing pollution as these fuels are the less pollutant blended. It is a part of concerned efforts of government to reduce vehicular emissions and improve fuel efficiency with an aim to reduce carbon and keep environment healthy.

What is “Green Mass Movement” against pollution?

Delhi government led green ‘mass movement’ against pollution by planting trees. As trees play important role to curb air pollution and give fresh air to breath. the event claimed to be  the biggest ever plantation movement in the history of the capital city. More than 5 lakh trees sapling were planted at 643 locations across Delhi with the support of students, local citizens and resident welfare associations. Delhi is currently fighting from severe air pollution even though 70%of Delhi’s pollution is attributed from external region.


Air pollution in India is one the major problem, India is facing severe air pollution especially in big cities. There is constant rise in particulate matter causing several types of deadly diseases. Government should find out the ways to curb air pollution as the mass involvement . There is a need to involved public participation. Environment issues are best handled with the participation of all citizens at the national level as well at global level. States should facilitate and encourage public awareness and participation by making information widely available severe harmful effect of actions should be published through various marketing strategies where people notice the message more. Government should approach several NGO’s and all medium schools to spread awareness by campaigning across the nation. Country like India where literacy rate is still low, generally, people are not aware about pollution and its bad affect on health. 

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